“Dental technology laboratory” journal is already the official organ of the Bulgarian Association of Dental Technicians.
News and Events
National council in Stara Zagora
Reports by the working groups on the execution of the assignments from the association program. The proposal about the “Dental[...]
First national convention in the town of Koprivshtitsa
Following a water sanctification on the occasion of the patron saint’s day – Saint Nikolay’a day – of the dental[...]
Holding of the national council in the city of Stara Zagora
The next national council of the BADT took place at hotel Maritsa Palace in Stara Zagora. Adopted were the rules[...]
Holding of the national council in Sofia
The holding of the first national council in Sofia was combined with the opening of the central office. The good[...]
Opening of the Sofia central office
At the opening of the Sofia central office, located at 39, Bacho Kiro St., were present members of the regional[...]
First National Council, city of Gabrovo
The First National Council, city of Gabrovo, was held in the conference hall of hotel Balkan. In the extended meeting[...]
Constituent congress of the BADT
The BADT Constituent congress took place in the ceremonial hall of Saint Ekaterina hospital. Representatives of the Ministry of Health[...]
Holding constituent meetings of the regional colleges from 02/02/2019 to 31/03/2019
In accordance with the transitional and final provisions of the law the Regional Health Inspectorates convened and held constituent meetings[...]
Publication in the State Gazette on the establishment of the association in the Law on the Professional Organization of the Nurses and the Associated Medical Specialists, of the Dental Technicians and Assistant Pharmacists
After many years a possibility has been created for the establishment of a professional organization of the Bulgarian Association of[...]
Showing 10 of 10 results